Aerial View of Finished Roof Replacement
The homeowners selected Dynasty Summit Gray shingles from our supplier, IKO.

New Roof
This new roof made the homeowners very happy.

Flat Shingles
We make sure to install our shingles neatly and flatly so they don't only like nice, but they also perform as intended.

Proper Roof Foundation
After stripping the old roof down to the sheathing, we made sure to inspect all the wood for weakness. We then replaced all the wood that didn't pass inspection, and taped them boards up along the seams. The white underlayment section you see is our KRS Sealoron XT Ice & Winter shield. This underlayment has self-adhering glue, which helps seal the nails when we install the shingles over it.

New Gutter Liner
We scraped the old liner from the gutters and installed a brand new EPDM lining.

Old Gutters
The gutters had worn down to the bone and were leaking water in spots.