Before & After

Roof Replacement on a Rental Property in Loveland Ohio

Yesterday we replaced a roof in Loveland, Ohio. It was a rental home that took on storm damage earlier in the year. To fix the leaky roof, we used the following roofing materials:

  • Apron flashing
  • Perma-Boot pipe flashing 3"
  • Ridge Vent strip 4'
  • IKO Hip and Ridge 12 (33')
  • Tri-Built Synthetic Underlayment - Roof Shield
  • IKO Dynasty Frostone Grey
  • IKO Stormshield Ice & Water

By reroofing the house, we fixed the roof leak. Because the property owner chose Frostone Grey, an ENERGY STAR shingle, their energy bill should go down. This not only helps the tenant with their heating and cooling bills, it will also raise the property value should they ever decide to sell the house!

Has your property taken on storm damage with the weather we had over the summer? Give us a call for your free roof estimate. 

our service area

We serve the following areas

OhioKentucky Our Locations:

Klaus Roofing Systems of Cincinnati
10690 Loveland Madeira Rd Suite A
Loveland, OH 45140